
Photography captures moments distant from all expectations. Each shot is a fragment, an instant devoid of a defined meaning. The absence invites silent reflection. Photographs by Andrea Casiraghi.

Photographer for many years. This site showcases a selection of photographs taken over the years.

Exterior night: Kyoto, 2024.
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Photography can be a journey into the “elsewhere” of one’s existence, where each shot opens a window onto figures, emotions, experiences, and memories. The recollections of past travels are not merely documented but transformed into personal interpretations, filtered through time and perception. The images aim to convey not just what was seen, but also what was felt: scents, sensations, atmospheres.

To dedicate one’s photographic journey to the concept of “elsewhere” is to embrace the imperfect and the fragmented, much like the memories that often resurface blurred or distorted. The focus on light, shadows, contrasts, and hidden details becomes a key to representing the traces left by experiences, the shadows of a whole life. Each image is not a chronicle, but a bridge between the past, places, and imagination.

Thus, that metaphorical journey desired, imagined, and deeply wanted becomes a personal path, inviting the viewer to explore their own emotions, creating a profound connection between the observer and the world portrayed.

Ireland Passages, 2023.
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It helps me catalog and organize my work.

What remains, 2018/today.
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You’ll find a variety of photographs here.

Bordeaux, 2024.
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Stories born elsewhere.

Exterior night. 

Street photography in Japanese Nights.